Authors: Kohn SE, Smith KL, Arsenault JK
Title: The remediation of conduction aphasia via sentence repetition: a case study
Source: British Journal of Disorders of Communication 1990 25(1): 45-60
Year: 1990
Research Design: Single Case Design

Repetition is viewed typically as a primary deficit in conduction aphasia. Consequently, repetition is considered to be a target of treatment, as opposed to an approach to treatment for this syndrome. However, our experience with a conduction aphasic who had greater speech fluency in repetition than in conversation encouraged us to develop a treatment programme based on sentence repetition. The treatment programme has three components: (1) a pre-/post-test of sentence repetition; (2) the treatment component, in which a new set of sentences is introduced each week in outpatient therapy for daily repetition; (3) analysis of verbal picture description prior to and following treatment as an independent language measure. The patient CM participated in 2 months of sentence repetition treatment, after which he displayed improvement in both sentence repetition and picture description. The reasons for such improvement and the general utility of the treatment programme are discussed.

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