Authors: Conture EG, Louko LJ, Edwards ML
Title: Simultaneously Treating Stuttering and Disordered Phonology in Children :Experimental Treatment, Preliminary Findings
Source: American Journal of Speech Language Pathology 1993 2: 72-81
Year: 1993
Research Design: Non Randomised Controlled Trial
Rating Score: 01/10
This rating is confirmed
Eligibility specified - N
Random allocation - N
Concealed allocation - N
Baseline comparability - N
Blind subjects - N
Blind therapists - N
Blind assessors - N
Adequate follow-up - Y
Intention-to-treat analysis - N
Between-group comparisons - N
Point estimates and variability - N

The purpose of this article is to describe treatment designed to simultaneously treat disordered phonology and stuttering in children who exhibit both disorders and to compare changes in stuttering that result from this treatment to changes observed in treatment designed for children who exhibit stuttering but not disordered phonology. Subjects were eight monolingual, English-speaking children: 4 boys who exhibited both stuttering and disordered phonology (mean age = 69.7 months) and who participated in a stuttering-phonology (SP) treatment group, as well as 3 boys and 1 girl who exhibited only stuttering (mean age = 71.5 months) and who participated in a stuttering (S) treatment group. Both treatment groups met weekly in 1-hour group treatment sessions for one calendar year. Results indicate that stuttering behaviour changed appreciably for 3 of the children in the SP group and 3 children in the S group. In addition, 3 of the children in the SP group made appreciable changes in their phonological processes. Findings are taken to suggest that simultaneously treating childhood stuttering and phonology is both feasible and effective, but their remains a need for further refinement in the methods used to treat the two disorders when they co-occur in children.

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