Authors: Cumley GD, Swanson S
Title: Augmentative and alternative communication options for children with developmental apraxia of speech: three case studies
Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 1999 15(2): 110-125
Year: 1999
Research Design: Single Case Design

This article describes the results of three case studies of children diagnosed with developmental apraxia of speech (DAS) or suspected DAS. A multimodal augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention approach using speech, gestures, manual signs, and various AAC aids was incorporated into each child's intervention plan. These included both lowtechnology aids (i.e., context-specific communication boards, remnant books, and symbol dictionaries) and high-technology aids (i.e., voice output communication aids and print output communication aids) in each child's intervention program. The AAC aids were designed to meet the unique communication needs of a preschooler, an elementary school-aged child, and a junior high school student. Previously, the children had been involved in a more traditional DAS intervention program primarily focusing on improving articulatory proficiency and supporting natural speech through sign language. The case studies describe how AAC aids and strategies successfully supplemented the child's natural speech and provided greater opportunities for facilitating language development, communicative competence, and academic achievement. Using AAC aids and strategies, the children had greater opportunities to initiate and maintain interactions as well as to repair communication breakdowns across various communication situations with both familiar and unfamiliar communication partners.

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