Authors: Montgomery JK, Bonderman IR
Title: Serving Preschool Children with Severe Phonological Disorders
Source: Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 1989 20(1): 76-84
Year: 1989
Research Design: Single Case Design

Preschool children with multiple articulation disorders are often referred to school speech-language clinicians to be served within the constraints of itinerant service delivery programs. Although these children would benefit from intensive phonological remediation, weekly individual therapy sessions or a self-contained class for students with severe language disorders are usually the only options available. In this study, an alternative group approach based on the procedures of Hodson and Paden (1983) was evaluated. Four of the nine preschool children with unintelligible speech in one school district were dismissed after 17 weeks of intensive intervention spread over 7 months. This alternative to preschool programming is presented here as a highly feasible and cost-accountable service delivery model, given the structure of public schools.

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