Authors: Palmen A, Didden R, Arts M
Title: Improving question asking in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Effectiveness of small-group training
Source: Autism 2008 12(1): 83-98
Year: 2008
Research Design: Single Case Design

Small-group training consisting of feedback and self-management was effective in improving question-asking skills during tutorial conversations in nine high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Training was implemented in a therapy room and lasted 6 weeks. Sessions were conducted once a week and lasted about an hour. Experimenters collected data during tutorial conversations in a natural setting. Training of question-asking skills consisted of verbal feedback and role-play during short simulated conversations and a table game. A self-management strategy and common stimuli (e.g., flowchart) were included to promote generalization. Mean percentage of correct questions during tutorial conversations improved significantly after training. Response efficiency also increased. Participants and personal coaches evaluated the training as effective and acceptable. The final, definitive version of this paper has been published by SAGE Publications Ltd, All rights reserved ©

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