Authors: Rosenbek JC, Roecker EB, Wood JL, Robbins J
Title: Thermal application reduces the duration of stage transition in dysphagia after stroke
Source: Dysphagia 1996 11(4): 225-233
Year: 1996
Research Design: Single Case Design

The present study had two purposes. The first was to provide variability data on objectively measured durational parameters of swallowing as accomplished by dysphagic patients secondary to stroke. The second was to examine the short-term effects of thermal application on these same durational measures. The study employed a cross-over design with each dysphagic stroke subject swallowing 10 times in both untreated and treated conditions. Two findings emerged: (1) swallowing durations in the 22 dysphagic stroke subjects were highly variable within and across subjects and have distributions that were nonnormal with nonhomogeneous variances; (2) thermal application reduced duration of stage transition (DST) and total swallow duration (TSD). Implications of these findings are discussed. ©Springer

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