Authors: Weaver-Spurlock S, Brasseur J
Title: The Effects of Simultaneous Sound-Position Training on the Generalization of [s]
Source: Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 1988 19(3): 259-271
Year: 1988
Research Design: Single Case Design

Three kindergarten children with residual articulation problems, as evidenced by their consistent misarticulation of [s], participated in a therapy program which employed simultaneous training of [s] in the initial, medial, and final positions of familiar words. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of such a training program on generalization. A functional analysis design was employed. Sixty probe words were administered nonimitatively during baseline and periodically throughout treatment to assess articulation change over time. Rapid generalization of correct [s] production occurred for all children. Simultaneous training of a sound in all three positions was an effective articulation training strategy for across-position generalization with the three children studied.

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