Authors: Zientz J, Rackley A, Chapman SB, Hopper T, Mahendra N, Kim ES, Cleary S
Title: Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations for Dementia: Educating Caregivers on Alzheimer’s Disease and Training Communication Strategies
Source: Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology 2007 15(1): 53-64
Year: 2007
Research Design: Systematic Review

The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disordersand Sciences (ANCDS), the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), its Special Interest Division 2 (SID-2, Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders), and the Veterans Administration (VA) collaborated to establish evidence-based practice guidelines for speech-language pathologists working with individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). A writing committee was formed and generated a technical report with evidence tables based on systematic review and classification of literature related to assessment and use of direct and indirect interventions with individuals with AD. This clinical report includes a summary of the scientific evidence related to one type of indirect intervention: educating caregivers about AD and training them to use strategies to enhance communicative effectiveness. Seven studies were reviewed and judged to provide Class I, II, and III evidence to support the education and communication training of family and professional caregivers of individuals with AD. Participant characteristics, nature of the education and training programs, outcomes, methodological concerns, trends across studies, and recommendations for clinical practice as well as future research are discussed.

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