Authors: Erbas D, Turan Y, Ozen A, Halle JW
Title: Effect of an Adapted “Cover Write” Method to Word-Naming and Spelling to Students with Developmental Disabilities in Turkey
Source: Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities 2006 41(4): 357-364
Year: 2006
Research Design: Single Case Design

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the "cover write" method of teaching word-naming and spelling to two Turkish students with developmental disabilities. A multiple-probe design across three, 5-word sets was employed to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The "cover write" method was modified to accommodate the learning needs of the students. Results of the study revealed that after instruction students named the words and spelled them correctly. Furthermore, maintenance and setting generality of word acquisition were assessed one week after instruction ended in an art class where it was found that the students named and spelled the words independently.

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