Authors: Mechling LC, Cronin B
Title: Computer-Based Video Instruction to Teach the Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices for Ordering at Fast-Food Restaurants
Source: The Journal of Special Education 2006 39(4): 234-245
Year: 2006
Research Design: Single Case Design

In the study reported on here, the authors used computer-based video instruction (CBVI) to teach 3 high school students with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities how to order in fast-food restaurants by using an augmentative, alternative communication device. The study employed a multiple probe design to institute CBVI as the only intervention tool and measured generalization of skills to community restaurants. For 2 of the 3 students, the ability to order their meals dramatically increased immediately following CBVI; for the third student, the ability to perform this task increased during a second generalization condition. Performance was maintained for each student. The authors discuss their results as support for this approach, which would be one solution for providing instruction in a simulated environment when community-based instruction is limited.

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