Authors: Rowland C, Schweigert P
Title: Tangible symbols: Symbolic communication for individuals with multisensory impairments
Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 1989 5(4): 226-234
Year: 1989
Research Design: Single Case Design

Many individuals with multisensory impairments fail to bridge the gap between presymbolic communication and formal language systems such as speech or manual signs. This paper discusses the use of tangible symbols—manipulable symbols (objects or pictures) that bear a clear perceptual relationship to a referent— by individuals who are not able to acquire abstract symbol systems. A sequence of communication development that accommodates the use of tangible symbols is presented, as well as two brief case histories illustrating the acquisition of tangible symbol systems by individuals with multisensory impairments. Finally, data on the progress of nine individuals who were taught to use tangible symbols is presented.

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