Authors: Scattone D, Tingstrom DH, Wilczynski SM
Title: Increasing Appropriate Social Interactions of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Using Social Stories™
Source: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2006 21(4): 211-222
Year: 2006
Research Design: Single Case Design

To date there are more than one dozen studies that validate the use of Social Stories™ as an effective behavioral intervention. Many of these studies focused on decreasing inappropriate behaviors (e.g., aggression, screaming, and grabbing toys), and most combined Social Stories with another intervention. The present study used a multiple baseline design across participants to investigate the effectiveness of Social Stories when used as a sole intervention to increase the appropriate social interactions of 3 children with autism spectrum disorders toward peers both with and without disabilities. During baseline, participants demonstrated few appropriate social interactions, although all had some functional expressive language. An increase in appropriate social interactions occurred for 2 of the participants after the intervention was implemented. These findings suggest that Social Stories may be effective for some children with autism spectrum disorders; however, the population they best serve has not yet been fully identified.

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