Abstract: |
K. C. is an 11-year-old girl who had a deficit in phonological awareness without difficulties in naming speed. After 18 months of linguistically sound, phonologically grounded therapy, she progressed from being a nonreader to being an at least grade-level reader midway through her fourth-grade year. Her therapy started after she had experienced 3 years of failure in school, despite 1 year of pull-out remedial reading support and 4 months of after-school remedial help. An extremely important component of her therapy was the dedication of her mother, who served as her coach, guided by me, the therapist-author. K. C. and her mother practiced daily for 30 to 60 minutes, using techniques learned in our weekly 1-hour sessions. They also both learned how to attend to positive behavior and how to teach with positive hinting. Seven months after completing her therapy, K. C. has maintained her gains and has gained another grade level in reading as she readies herself for entering fifth grade. |