Authors: Verdolini-Marston K, Burke MK, Lessac A, Glaze L,Caldwell E
Title: Preliminary study of two methods of treatment for laryngeal nodules
Source: Journal Of Voice 1995 9(1): 74-85
Year: 1995
Research Design: Non Randomised Controlled Trial
Rating Score: 01/10
This rating is confirmed
Eligibility specified - Y
Random allocation - N
Concealed allocation - N
Baseline comparability - N
Blind subjects - N
Blind therapists - N
Blind assessors - N
Adequate follow-up - N
Intention-to-treat analysis - N
Between-group comparisons - Y
Point estimates and variability - N

To date, a limited number of formal studies have assessed the efficacy of voice therapy for laryngeal nodules. The present study represents a preliminary stage of inquiry in a series of planned studies on this topic. Thirteen women with nodules participated as paid subjects. Some subjects received "confidential voice therapy," some received "resonant voice therapy," and some received no therapy (control condition) over a period of approximately 2 weeks. Pre- and post-therapy measures of phonatory effort, auditory-perceptual status of voice, and laryngeal appearance provided evidence of a benefit from therapy. Baseline measures were then repeated 2 weeks after therapy was terminated. The final results indicated that, for auditory-perceptual and phonatory effort measures, the likelihood of benefiting from therapy directly covaried with compliance scores (reflecting the reported extraclinical utilization of the therapy technique), but not with therapy type (confidential vs. resonant voice therapy). At this level, the results point to the importance of assessing not only therapy type but also compliance in future, larger studies. A series of other positive and negative factors in the present research design were identified based on the results. These should be considered in future studies.

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