Authors: McKelvey ML, Dietz AR, Hux K, Weissling K, Beukelman DR
Title: Performance of a Person with Chronic Aphasia Using Personal and Contextual Pictures in a Visual Scene Display Prototype
Source: Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology 2007 15(3): 305-317
Year: 2007
Research Design: Single Case Design

Recent advances using AAC strategies and systems have increased functional communication skills of people with chronic aphasia. This single subject multiple baseline study investigated the use of one such system - a contextual picture-based system (Visual Scene Display) in an AAC device - by a subject with chronic nonfluent aphasia. Results documented successful use of the Visual Scene Display interface by the participant to communicate two stories to multiple unfamiliar communication partners. The researchers documented successful navigation of the AAC system by the person with aphasia while simultaneously documenting his reduced production of distracting communicative behaviors and improved quality of communicative interactions.

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