Abstract: |
BACKGROUND: The Internet is a source of information, communication, and leisure opportunities for people with aphasia. However, accessible training is one of several barriers for people with aphasia in using the Internet. AIMS: This study developed and trialled special aphasia-friendly Internet training materials for people with aphasia. METHODS and PROCEDURES: A total of 20 people with aphasia were matched with volunteer tutors. The tutor-student pairs met for six lessons. Pre- and post-test Internet skills assessments were conducted and attitudinal questionnaires were completed. The training materials were based on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and consisted of a tutor's manual and a manual for the Internet student with aphasia. These materials are available as a free download from: http://www.shrs.uq.edu.au/cdaru/aphasiagroups/ OUTCOMES and RESULTS: Significant differences between pre and post scores were found and participants reached a range of levels of independence following the training. The majority reported favourable outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated that it was possible for people with aphasia to learn to use the Internet when they were taught in a one-to-one teaching situation with the use of accessible training manuals. |