Authors: Avent JR
Title: Group treatment in aphasia using cooperative learning methods
Source: Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology 1997 5(1): 9-26
Year: 1997
Research Design: Single Case Design

Interest in group treatment of aphasia continues to grow as clinicians shift their focus to more functionally oriented approaches. Many group treatment sessions incorporate psychosocial and sociolinguistic principles. However, one type of group learning, cooperative learning, has not been widely used in aphasia treatment. The purposes of this paper are to outline the principles of cooperative learning, describe a new aphasia group treatment called Cooperative Group Treatment, and provide preliminary treatment efficacy data. The study included eight brain injured individuals. Using a single-subject multiple baseline across behaviors design, the effects of treatment were determined by examining content-information units produced in narrative and procedural discourse. Results indicate treatment efficacy for individuals with mild aphasic impairments.

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