Authors: Stephenson J
Title: Picture-Book Reading as an Intervention to Teach the Use of Line Drawings for Communication with Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities
Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2009 25(3): 202-214
Year: 2009
Research Design: Single Case Design

Picture-book reading provides an effective intervention context for young children learning spoken language and may also be appropriate for teaching the use of augmentative and alternative communication to children with severe intellectual disabilities. This study reports on a group intervention using a semiscripted book reading routine implemented by a teacher in a classroom for students with severe intellectual disabilities. Student use of line drawings was observed over the course of the intervention. Students' abilities to match words, line drawings, book illustrations, and real objects were assessed weekly. There were differences between baseline and intervention performances for all students, and these differences were particularly noticeable for one student.

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