Authors: Lane KL, Harris KR, Graham S, Weisenbach JL, Brindle M, Morphy P
Title: The effects of self-regulated strategy development on the writing performance of second-grade students with behavioral and writing difficulties
Source: The Journal of Special Education 2008 41(4): 234-253
Year: 2008
Research Design: Single Case Design

The effects of a secondary academic intervention, embedded in the context of a positive behavior support model, on the writing of second-grade students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorder and writing problems were examined in this study. Students were taught how to plan and draft a story using the self-regulated strategy development model. Results of this multiple-probe design revealed lasting improvements in story completeness, length, and quality for all 6 students. Students and teachers rated the intervention favorably, with some indicating that the intervention exceeded their expectations. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.

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