Authors: Liber DB, Frea WD, Symon JBG
Title: Using time-delay to improve social play skills with peers for children with autism
Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2008 38(2): 312-323
Year: 2008
Research Design: Single Case Design

Interventions that teach social communication and play skills are crucial for the development of children with autism. The time delay procedure is effective in teaching language acquisition, social use of language, discrete behaviors, and chained activities to individuals with autism and developmental delays. In this study, three boys with autism, attending a non-public school, were taught play activities that combined a play sequence with requesting peer assistance, using a graduated time delay procedure. A multiple-baseline across subjects design demonstrated the success of this procedure to teach multiple-step social play sequences. Results indicated an additional gain of an increase in pretend play by one of the participants. Two also demonstrated a generalization of the skills learned through the time delay procedure. ©Springer

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