Authors: Johnson RK, Hough MS, King KA, Vos P, Jeffs T
Title: Functional communication in individuals with chronic severe aphasia using augmentative communication
Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2008 24(4): 269-280
Year: 2008
Research Design: Single Case Design

Intervention incorporating augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is often implemented with adults with aphasia, although studies do not always specify the approaches and strategies used. This study examined abilities of three individuals with chronic non-fluent aphasia (NA) using a dynamic display AAC device to enhance communication. The device, Dialect with Speaking Dynamically Pro, was tailored to each participant's skill level using a treatment protocol adapted from Koul, Corwin, and Hayes (2005). The primary caregiver was the spouse. Pre and post-treatment measures revealed improvement in quality and effectiveness of communication for all participants. Improved linguistic and cognitive functioning was observed for two participants. Results are discussed relative to use of a device with other adults with chronic NA.

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