Authors: Jones HN, Shrivastav R, Wu SS, Plowman-Prince EK, Rosenbek JC
Title: Fundamental frequency and intensity mean and variability before and after two behavioral treatments for aprosodia
Source: Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology 2009 17(1): 45-53
Year: 2009
Research Design: Single Case Design

Emerging data suggest that aprosodia may be amenable to behavioral treatment. This study investigated the use of acoustic analysis of speech to quantify response to two speech treatments previously judged to have an effect based on perceptual assessment in three participants with primarily expressive aprosodia. The mean and variability of fundamental frequency (FO) and intensity ONT) during production of sentences requiring use of four different emotional tones of speech (i.e., happy, angry, sad, or neutral) was calculated before and after two mechanism-based treatments for aprosodia (i.e., TXl and TX2). Statistical differences in FO mean and variability were primarily observed following TXl, whereas differences in INT mean and variability were principally revealed following TX2. Additionally, significant differences in these acoustic values were noted across almost all pairwise comparisons of emotional sentence types (i.e., angry vs. sad, happy vs. sad, neutral vs. sad, angry vs. neutral, and happy vs. neutral). These preliminary data suggest that perceptual improvements in aprosodia can be measured quantitatively using acoustic analysis of speech and provide additional support for previously described behavioral treatments for this disorder. These findings also support previous reports that suggest that different emotional tones of speech are associated with differences in the acoustic speech signal.

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