Authors: Coelho CA
Title: Acquisition and generalization of simple manual sign grammars by aphasic subjects
Source: Journal of Communication Disorders 1990 23(6): 383-400
Year: 1990
Research Design: Single Case Design

Investigated the acquisition and generalization of manual sign combinations in 4 moderately to severely aphasic Ss (aged 52-67 yrs) in 2 experiments. In Exp 1, matrices were employed to train agent-action-object and action-object combinations and monitor generalization. In Exp 2, Ss were trained to combine a different set of single signs into sign combinations that could be used to describe 2 pictures while generalization was monitored in a 3rd. The 2 least severely aphasic Ss in Exp 1 were able to acquire and generalize all of the sign combinations presented in the training matrices. Although the Ss in Exp 2 rapidly acquired single signs and combinations, additional training was required for Ss to produce the sign combinations to describe the 2 pictures. Success in manual sign training programs may be related to severity of aphasia. Generalization to untrained stimuli or environments apparently does not occur without additional training. (unassigned).

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