Authors: Awcock C, Habgood N
Title: Early intervention project: evaluation of Wilstaar, Hanen and specialist playgroup
Source: International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 1998 33(Suppl): 500-505
Year: 1998
Research Design: Case Series

This paper describes an early intervention project which combines a three tiered approach to speech and language provision for pre-school children. Jointly funded by I CAN, AFASIC, Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust and the Department of Health, this two and a half year project aims to reduce the numbers of children and severity of their speech and language difficulties on entering school. The project uses the following approaches - the Ward Infant Language Screening Test Assessment Acceleration Remediation (WILSTAAR), the Hanen parent programmes and a specialist speech and language playgroup. In this paper these approaches are described with an explanation of how each is being evaluated and where possible interim results have been presented.

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