Authors: Kendall DL, McNeil MR, Small SL
Title: Rule-based treatment for acquired phonological dyslexia
Source: Aphasiology 1998 12(7-8): 587-600
Year: 1998
Research Design: Single Case Design

In the context of a multiple-baseline design, this study demonstrated the positive effects of behavioural treatment using grapheme to phoneme correspondence rules to treat a patient with phonological dyslexia 17 years after stroke onset. Treatment used repeated exposure to real and nonsense word stimuli embodying the regularities of two grapheme to phoneme correspondence rules (GPCR) with hierarchical cueing and knowledge of results. Results revealed a pattern of performance that increased beyond baseline variability and coincided in time with the institution of treatment. Generalization of these treatment effects occurred to words requiring knowledge of other GPCR and to an independent processing based reading measure.

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