Authors: Ratcliff A, Little M
Title: A Conversation Based Barrier Task Approach to Teach Sight-Word Vocabulary to a Young Augmentative Communication System User
Source: Child Language Teaching and Therapy 1996 12(2): 128-135
Year: 1996
Research Design: Single Case Design

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) users often have limited literacy skills due to many factors, including restricted opportunities to demonstrate cognitive and communication abilities, as well as limited reading instruction and practice time. This case study evaluates the efficacy of a barrier task as a teaching tool to improve literacy skills in a young AAC user. Adaptations were made to keep barrier tasks within the subject's physical and communication limita tions. Post-treatment results indicate that the subject demonstrated increased sight-word recognition as well as increased letter recognition. This barrier task proved to be a motivating, effective technique to increase literacy skills via a communication framework.

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