Authors: Hsu C-M, Armas GL, Su C-Y
Title: Marsupialization of vocal fold retention cysts: voice assessment and surgical outcomes
Source: Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2009 118(4): 270-275
Year: 2009
Research Design: Case Series

OBJECTIVES: Although total excision remains the standard treatment for vocal fold retention cysts, postoperative deficits and damage to the vocal folds still occur. Marsupialization is a more conservative technique and can prevent these complications. METHODS: In this prospective clinical series, 25 patients underwent the marsupialization procedure. Under a direct laryngomicroscope, the cystic wall margin was retracted medially with microforceps. An incision was made with microscissors encircling the equator of the cyst. The cyst contents drained from the cystic cavity when the capsule was sectioned. For 7 patients with concomitant marked vocal fold atrophy, strap muscle transposition laryngoplasty was simultaneously performed. RESULTS: All patients had complete preoperative and postoperative voice parameter analyses. A subjective improvement in voice quality was reported by 23 of the 25 patients (92%). A small recurrent vocal fold cyst was detected in 1 patient. Small vocal fold deficits and sulcus vocalis were detected in 2 and 4 patients, respectively. Only 1 patient described a worse voice after operation. No other complications were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Marsupialization of vocal fold retention cysts is a simple, relatively safe, and effective surgical treatment. Voice improvement, a low incidence of recurrence, and minimal vocal fold deficits demonstrate the validity of this technique. Marked preoperative vocal fold atrophy or postoperative glottal gap can be managed with medialization laryngoplasty.

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