Authors: Jones KM, Wickstrom KF, Noltemeyer AL, Schuka JR, Therrien WJ, Brown SM
Title: An experimental analysis of reading fluency
Source: Journal of Behavioral Education 2009 18(1): 35-55
Year: 2009
Research Design: Single Case Design

The experimental analysis of academic responding has emerged as one approach to strengthening decisions related to problem analysis and treatment design. This study provided an example of how both brief and extended assessments can be used within a data based, problem solving approach to addressing reading fluency concerns. For six children with reading difficulties, within-trial effects of various instructional strategies were used to identify and design interventions. Assessment-derived interventions were evaluated using weekly academic growth on general outcome measures. Results indicated that five of the six children responded favorably to intervention. Future research involving the contribution of experimental analysis to response to intervention models of service delivery is discussed. ©Springer

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