Authors: Geyer M, Ledda GP, Tan N, Brennan PA, Puxeddu R
Title: Carbon dioxide laser-assisted phonosurgery for benign glottic lesions
Source: European Archives of Oto Rhino Laryngology 2010 267(1): 87-93
Year: 2010
Research Design: Case Series

The objectives of the study were (1) to evaluate glottic function following carbon dioxide laser-assisted phonosurgery of benign laryngeal disease, and (2) to assess postoperative glottic morphology and disease recurrence rates, using the study design of comparative prospective non-randomized case series of patients with benign glottic pathology treated by laser-assisted phonosurgery over 10 years. 235 consecutive patients had pre- and postoperative data collected by objective laryngeal examination, videostroboscopy recording of vocal fold mucosal wave movement, electroacoustic voice analysis (statistical analysis: Wilcoxon test) and perceptual voice evaluation. Comparing pre- and postoperative functional results demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in all spectrographically analysed objective voice parameters (P < 0.001). Postoperative morphological analysis confirmed three recurrences of granuloma and one of Reinke's oedema. Carbon dioxide laser-assisted voice restoration for benign glottic disease is effective. ©Springer

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