Authors: Spooner L
Title: Addressing expressive language disorder in children who also have severe receptive language disorder: A psycholinguistic approach
Source: Child Language Teaching and Therapy 2002 18(3): 289-313
Year: 2002
Research Design: Single Case Design

This study evaluates the effectiveness of a psycholinguistic therapy programme designed to address expressive language disorder in children with complex receptive and expressive language difficulties. The two female subjects were aged 6 and 9 years and attended a language unit in a mainstream school. Language samples from each subject were obtained using formal tests. These were analysed to provide a baseline. Subjects then carried out a therapy programme designed using principles of a psycholinguistic model of sentence production. Assessments were repeated to determine whether therapy had been effective. Results indicated that subjects had made significant progress in the structure and content of their expressive language.

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