Authors: Lancioni GE, Singh NN, O'Reilly MF, Sigafoos J, Didden R, Oliva D, Campodonico F, Pichierri S, Zotti C
Title: Technology-assisted programs to promote mouth drying and reduce the effects of drooling with two persons with developmental disabilities
Source: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 2009 21(6): 555-564
Year: 2009
Research Design: Single Case Design

The purpose of this study was to replicate/extend the assessment of technology-assisted programs for helping persons with intellectual and multiple disabilities acquire mouth-drying responses to reduce the effects of drooling. Two participants (one adolescent and one adult) were involved. The first participant, who had pervasive motor disabilities, was taught to turn his head with his mouth and chin touching a spongy surface (and getting dry in the process). The second participant, who did not have specific motor disabilities, was taught to use a handkerchief to dry his mouth. For both participants, the mouth-drying responses were automatically followed by preferred stimulation. Results showed that both participants increased the frequency of their mouth-drying responses and reduced the effects of their drooling (chin wetness) through the intervention (B) phases of the ABAB design sequences. The results are discussed in terms of their support of previous data in the area and their practical implications. ©Springer

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