Authors: Duhon GJ, House SE, Poncy BC, Hastings KW, McClurg SC
Title: An Examination of Two Techniques for Promoting Response Generalization of Early Literacy Skills
Source: Journal of Behavioral Education 2010 19(1): 62-75
Year: 2010
Research Design: Single Case Design

This study examined the application of two generalization procedures designed to promote generalized responding across two early literacy skills. Letter sound fluency was targeted using direct intervention for three subjects within a multiple baseline design. After instruction was complete, two generalization procedures (cueing and providing sufficient response exemplars) were tested in an increasingly intense application of the procedures to determine whether sufficient levels of response generalization to letter sound blending could be programmed. Results indicated that although some subjects demonstrated minor levels of unprogrammed or spontaneous generalization, more complete levels of generalization were accomplished only once generalization techniques were employed. ©Springer

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