Authors: Izadi F, Delarestaghi MM, Memari F, Mohseni R, Pousti B, Mir P
Title: The Butterfly Procedure: A New Technique and Review of the Literature for Treating Anterior Laryngeal Webs
Source: Journal Of Voice 2010 24(6): 742-749
Year: 2010
Research Design: Single Case Design

Congenital laryngeal webs, subglottic stenosis, and laryngeal atresia result from various degrees of failure of airway recanalization as a spectrum. The symptoms also range from asymptomatic to dysphonia and severe airway obstruction. There are a number of methods for management of symptomatic patients. In this article, we discuss a new procedure that was used in the management of two anterior laryngeal web patients with relatively acceptable results.

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