Authors: Lane KL, Graham S, Harris KR, Little MA, Sandmel K, Brindle M
Title: Story writing: The effects of self-regulated strategy development for second-grade students with writing and behavioral difficulties
Source: The Journal of Special Education 2010 44(2): 107-128
Year: 2010
Research Design: Single Case Design

The effects of a secondary academic intervention implemented within the context of a three-tiered, positive behavior support model were examined in this study. Second-grade students with limited writing skills who also had either externalizing or internalizing behavior patterns were identified for participation using school-wide data. Students learned how to plan and write stories using the self-regulated strategy development model. Results of two multiple-probe designs, one for students with externalizing behaviors (three females, four males) and a second for students with internalizing behaviors (two females, four males), revealed lasting increases in story elements as well as improvements in story quality and length. Teachers and students rated the intervention favorably, with most reporting that the intervention exceeded their initial expectations. Limitations and directions for future research are presented.

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