Authors: Wong VCN, Kwan QK
Title: Randomized controlled trial for early intervention for autism: a pilot study of the Autism 1-2-3 Project
Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2010 40(6): 677-688
Year: 2010
Research Design: Randomised Controlled Trial
Rating Score: 06/10
This rating is confirmed
Eligibility specified - Y
Random allocation - Y
Concealed allocation - N
Baseline comparability - Y
Blind subjects - N
Blind therapists - N
Blind assessors - Y
Adequate follow-up - Y
Intention-to-treat analysis - N
Between-group comparisons - Y
Point estimates and variability - Y

We piloted a 2-week "Autism-1-2-3" early intervention for children with autism and their parents immediately after diagnosis that targeted at (1) eye contact, (2) gesture and (3) vocalization/words. Seventeen children were randomized into the Intervention (n = 9) and Control (n = 8) groups. Outcome measures included the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Ritvo-Freeman Real Life Rating Scale, Symbolic Play Test, and Parenting Stress Index. Children with autism improved in language/communication, reciprocal social interaction, and symbolic play. Parents perceived significant improvement in their children's language, social interaction, and their own stress level. This intervention can serve as short-term training on communication and social interaction for children with autism, and reduce the stress of their parents during the long waiting time for public health services. ©Springer

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