Authors: Marks I, Stokes SF
Title: Narrative-based intervention for word-finding difficulties: a case study
Source: International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2010 45(5): 586-599
Year: 2010
Research Design: Single Case Design

BACKGROUND: Children with word-finding difficulties manifest a high frequency of word-finding characteristics in narrative, yet word-finding interventions have concentrated on single-word treatments and outcome measures. AIMS: This study measured the effectiveness of a narrative-based intervention in improving single-word picture-naming and word-finding characteristics in narrative in a case study. METHODS & PROCEDURES: A case study, quasi-experimental design was employed. The participant was tested on picture naming and spoken word to picture, matching on control and treatment words at pre-, mid-, and post-therapy and an 8-month maintenance point. Narrative samples at pre- and post-therapy were analysed for word-finding characteristics and language production. A narrative-based language intervention for word-finding difficulties (NBLI-WF) was carried out for eight sessions, over 3 weeks. The data were subjected to a repeated-measures trend analysis for dichotomous data. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: Significant improvement occurred for naming accuracy of treatment, but not for control words. The pattern of word-finding characteristics in narrative changed, but the frequency did not reduce. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: NBLI-WF was, effective in improving naming accuracy in this single case, but there were, limitations to the research. Further research is required to assess the changes that may occur in language production and word-finding characteristics in narrative. Community clinicians are encouraged to refine clinical practice to ensure clinical research meets quality indicators.

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