Authors: Parker D, Kamps D
Title: Effects of Task Analysis and Self-Monitoring for Children with Autism in Multiple Social Settings
Source: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2011 26(3): 131-142
Year: 2011
Research Design: Single Case Design

In this study, written task analyses with self-monitoring were used to teach functional skills and verbal interactions to two high-functioning students with autism in social settings with peers. A social script language intervention was included in two of the activities to increase the quantity of verbal interaction between the students and peers. Analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the intervention package increased independent task completion, peer-directed verbal interaction, and activity engagement for the students with autism during social, game, and cooking activities. Improvements in task completion persisted after the written task analyses were faded. The percentage of intervals with appropriate language use remained consistent as the social scripts were faded during the game activities.

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