Authors: McKean K, Phillips B, Thompson A
Title: A family-centred model of care in paediatric speech-language pathology
Source: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2012 14(3): 235-246
Year: 2012
Research Design: Randomised Controlled Trial
Rating Score: N/A
To be rated

Developments in paediatric models of care support family-centred practice (FCP); however, there is limited evidence for its use in speech-language pathology. This randomized controlled study examined whether parent satisfaction with FCP (n = 10) was greater than with usual practice (UP; n = 10) over 14 weeks for children with mild–moderate speech and/or language disorders. The FCP included parental goal decision-making; greater parent responsibility for clinic therapy tasks; and two home visits. There was a non-significant trend for the FCP group to have a higher mean score for the “Providing specific information” scale of the Measures of Process of Care. Goals for the FCP and UP groups were respectively targeted towards the Activities and Participation or the Body Function components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health–Children and Youth. While there were no significant differences between groups for speech/language outcomes post-intervention; it is clinically interesting that more children in the FCP group improved on the Renfrew Action Picture Test than the UP group. This study did not demonstrate a significant benefit for FCP over a relatively short timeframe in a small sample of children. Further research is warranted to determine if there is evidence for the use of FCP in speech-language pathology.

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