Authors: Rajaram P, Alant E, Shakila D
Title: Application of the self-generation effect to the learning of blissymbols by persons presenting with a severe aphasia
Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2012 28(2): 64-73
Year: 2012
Research Design: Case Series

This study investigated the application of the self-generation effect to enhance the recognition and retention of Blissymbols in persons with severe aphasia. A 2 × 2 × 3 factorial design of two treatment types (self-generation and non-generation) was used to teach two sets of Blissymbols. These were administered during 3 training days, between which were withdrawal periods of 1 day and 7 days. Recognition and retention probes were administered at intervals during the training. ANOVA analysis showed that the self-generation treatment produced no immediate recognition advantage; however, better retention of symbol recognition may have occurred over time. Hence, the potential application of the self-generation effect in enhancing the retention of Blissymbols in persons with severe aphasia may warrant further investigation.

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