Authors: Mantie-Kozlowski A, Pitt K
Title: Treating Myofunctional Disorders: A Multiple-Baseline Study of a New Treatment Using Electropalatography
Source: American Journal of Speech Language Pathology 2014 23(4): 520-529
Year: 2014
Research Design: Single Case Design

Purpose: This study assessed the benefit of using electropalatography (EPG) in treatment aimed at habilitating individuals with nonspeech orofacial myofunctional disorders (NSOMD). Method: The study used a multiple-baseline design across 3 female participants who were referred for an evaluation and possible treatment of their NSOMD. Treatment sessions were 30 min and provided twice weekly. Participant 1 received 8 treatments, Participant 2 received 6 treatments, and Participant 3 received 4 treatments. The patterns of sensor activation produced when participants' tongues made contact with the electropalate during saliva swallows were compared with the patterns of age-matched peers. Individualized goals were developed on the basis of these comparisons. Results: Treatment was generally effective for the established goals. Of the 3 participants, 2 met all their goals, and the 3rd participant made gains across 1 of 2 goals. Participants continued to perform above baseline levels for most targeted goals during testing 5–8 weeks posttreatment. Conclusion: When used in skilled treatment, EPG has potential as a means of habilitating NSOMD. It may serve as a valuable tool, providing the clinician and client with information that allows for individualized treatment planning.

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