Authors: Kassardjian A, Leaf JB, Ravid D, Leaf JA, Alcalay A, Dale S, Tsuji K, Taubman M, Leaf R, McEachin J, Oppenheim-Leaf ML
Title: Comparing the Teaching Interaction Procedure to Social Stories: A Replication Study
Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014 44(9): 2329-2340
Year: 2014
Research Design: Single Case Design

This study compared the teaching interaction procedure to social stories implemented in a group setting to teach social skills to three children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The researchers taught each participant one social skill with the teaching interaction procedure, one social skill with the social story procedure, and one social skill was assigned to a no intervention condition. The teaching interaction procedure consisted of didactic questions, teacher demonstration, and role-play; the social story procedure consisted of reading a book and answering comprehension questions. The researchers measured participants' performances during probes, responses to comprehension questions, and responding during role-plays. The results indicated that the teaching interaction procedure was more efficacious than the social story procedure across all three participants.

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