Authors: Radley KC, Ford WB, Battaglia AA, McHugh MB
Title: The Effects of a Social Skills Training Package on Social Engagement of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Generalized Recess Setting
Source: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2014 29(4): 216-229
Year: 2014
Research Design: Single Case Design

The present study provides a preliminary evaluation of the effects of the Superheroes Social Skills program, a practice-ready, multimedia social skills program, on social engagements of elementary-age children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Four children with ASD between the ages of 8 and 10 with current placements in inclusive public school settings participated in an 8-week intervention utilizing the intermediate skill components of the Superheroes Social Skills program. The intervention was presented once per week for approximately 30 min in the school settings. Analysis of data suggests that social engagements of participants during generalized recess periods increased following the introduction of intervention. Data on frequency of initiations and responses, as well as sociometric outcomes, were also collected as a secondary dependent variable and are discussed. Results suggest that pullout social skills training may result in effects that are generalized to more naturalistic settings. Limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are reviewed.

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