Authors: Ra JY, Hyun JK, Ko KR, Lee SJ
Title: Chin Tuck for Prevention of Aspiration: Effectiveness and Appropriate Posture
Source: Dysphagia 2014 29(5): 603-609
Year: 2014
Research Design: Case Series

Chin tuck has been has been widely used to prevent aspiration in the patients with dysphagia. This study was performed to investigate the effectiveness and the degree of optimal neck flexion of chin tuck. Ninety-seven patients who showed aspiration in the videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS). Participants were grouped into the effective (patients who showed effect with chin tuck) and ineffective group (those who did not show effect with chin tuck). VFSS was performed in neutral and chin tuck position and findings were compared between the groups. Severity of aspiration was assessed by the point penetration-aspiration scale. Duration of dysphagic symptoms, history of tracheostomy, and other possible contributing factors were also compared. Neck flexion angle was measured to find appropriate posture in which aspiration was prevented with chin tuck. Aspiration was reduced or eliminated in only 19 patients (19.6 %) with chin tuck. Oral transit time, pharyngeal delayed time and pharyngeal transit time were significantly shortened in both groups (p < 0.05), but the difference between the groups was not significant. Female sex and absence of residue in pyriform sinus favored the effect of chin tuck (p < 0.05). At least 17.5° of neck flexion was required to achieve an effect with chin tuck. The effectiveness of chin tuck was less than anticipated. Patients without residue in pyriform sinus were more likely to benefit from chin tuck. Sufficient neck flexion was important in chin tuck to prevent aspiration.©Springer

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