Authors: de Carlos Isla M, Baixauli Fortea I
Title: Parent-implemented Hanen program More than words in Angelman syndrome: A case study
Source: Child Language Teaching and Therapy 2016 32(1): 35-51
Year: 2016
Research Design: Single Case Design

Children with Angelman syndrome (AS) exhibit significant social, communicative and cognitive difficulties. The aim of this case study was to describe the profile of communicative abilities of a child with AS, before and after the implementation of the Hanen program ‘More than words’ (MTW). Additionally, changes on the language directed at her in spontaneous interactions were analysed. Advances were observed regarding the quantity and quality of communicative acts displayed by the child, both in natural interactions and through the use of standardized instruments. Moreover, a different rate of development was noted, when comparing two time periods (with and without MTW intervention). Linguistic input provided by the mother also exhibited some variations after treatment. Our findings suggest that MTW could be a promising approach to use with the communicative challenges experienced by AS children. Further research is needed to add more evidence about the suitability of the MTW program for AS individuals.

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