Authors: Murdock LC, Ganz J, Crittendon J
Title: Use of an iPad play story to increase play dialogue of preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2013 43(9): 2174-2189
Year: 2013
Research Design: Single Case Design

An iPad play story was utilized to increase the pretend play skills of 4 preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. The story utilized a series of video clips depicting toy figures producing scripted character dialogue, engaged in a pretend play vignette. A multiple baseline design across participants was utilized with play dialogue as the dependent variable. Three of the participants demonstrated increases in the target behavior with Nonoverlap of All Pairs analysis revealing moderate and strong effects across intervention phases. Effects were largely maintained during generalization opportunities with peers and during a 3-week follow-up condition.

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