Authors: Brown MI, Westerveld MF, Trembath D, Gillon GT
Title: Promoting language and social communication development in babies through an early storybook reading intervention
Source: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2018 20(3): 337-349
Year: 2018
Research Design: Non Randomised Controlled Trial
Rating Score: N/A
To be rated

Purpose: This study examined the effectiveness of low- and high-intensity early storybook reading (ESR) intervention workshops delivered to parents for promoting their babies language and social communication development. These workshops educated parents on how to provide a stimulating home reading environment and engage in parent–child interactions during ESR. Method: Parent–child dyads (n = 32); child age: 3–12 months, were assigned into two intervention conditions: low and high intensity (LI versus HI) groups. Both groups received the same ESR strategies; however, the HI group received additional intervention time, demonstrations and support. Outcome measures were assessed pre-intervention, one and three months post-intervention and when the child turned 2 years of age. Result: A significant time–group interaction with increased performance in the HI group was observed for language scores immediately post-intervention (p = 0.007) and at 2-years-of-age (p = 0.022). Significantly higher broader social communication scores were associated with the HI group at each of the time points (p = 0.018, p = 0.001 and p = 0.021, respectively). Simple main effect revealed that both groups demonstrated a significant improvement in language, broader social communication and home reading practices scores. Conclusions: ESR intervention workshops may promote language and broader social communication skills. The HI ESR intervention workshop was associated with significantly higher language and broader social communication scores.

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