Authors: Slavin D, Fabus R
Title: A Case Study Using a Multimodal Approach to Melodic Intonation Therapy
Source: American Journal of Speech Language Pathology 2018 27(4): 1352-1362
Year: 2018
Research Design: Single Case Design

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of increasing spontaneous expressive language using a modified melodic intonation therapy (MIT) approach with a male participant diagnosed with acquired aphasia and apraxia who was 10 years post onset. Method: A therapeutic protocol consisting of vocal and linguistic tasks was administered. The participant attended two 50-min individual sessions and a 4-hr/week socialization program for three 12-week semesters. Measures of speech and language were administered before intervention and at the completion of each of the 3 semesters. Results: At the completion of the study, the participant demonstrated reduced apraxia of speech as measured by The Apraxia Battery for Adults, Second Edition (Dabul, 2000). He also showed improvements in auditory comprehension skills as measured on the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Evaluation (Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2000). His spontaneous utterances were characterized by an increased number of complete sentences and questions. Several language parameters including mean length of utterance, total number of spontaneous (untrained) utterances, and number of different words spoken were also improved as revealed through language analysis. Conclusions: Integration of melodic intonation therapy through the addition of musical elements may result in improved speech and expressive language skills when administered over a 9-month period in conjunction with a group socialization program.

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