Authors: Joseph LM
Title: Effects of word boxes on phoneme segmentation, word identification, and spelling for a sample of children with autism
Source: Child Language Teaching and Therapy 2018 34(3): 303-317
Year: 2018
Research Design: Single Case Design

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of word boxes on the phoneme segmentation, word identification, and spelling performance of a sample of children with autism. Three children with autism were selected on the basis of similar performance on early literacy skills as measured by the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) screening instrument. The word boxes is a method that involves students placing plastic letters into respective divided sections of a drawn rectangle (i.e., boxes) as each sound in a word is articulated. This method is designed to help children acquire phonological decoding skills. A multiple baseline design across literacy skills was employed to study the effects of word boxes on phoneme segmentation, word identification, and spelling. This study is important, as it was the first to examine the effects of this method with students with autism. Results suggested that all students showed increases in phoneme segmentation and word identification, with two of the students showing some improvement in spelling. Limitations and implications for future research and practice are discussed.

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