Abstract: |
Purpose: Aphasia group therapy can result in improvements in communication, participation and quality of life (QOL). However, evidence for aphasia group interventions with combined aims across the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is limited. TeleGAIN is a holistic aphasia group intervention that can be delivered via telepractice. This study builds on prior pilot work and addresses the need for additional research into the effectiveness of TeleGAIN. The aim of this study was to describe changes in aphasia severity, communication related QOL and participation, for people with chronic aphasia following TeleGAIN. Method: Nineteen participants with aphasia were assessed on a range of outcome measures before and after a twelve-week block of TeleGAIN delivered via web based videoconferencing. Treatment provided opportunities to participate in conversation, engage with others with aphasia and complete functional communication activities. Result: Statistical analyses revealed statistically significant improvements in communication related QOL, increased engagement in communicative activities, and decreased aphasia severity. Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that the online delivery of a multi-purpose group intervention for people with aphasia can result in improved communication, communicative participation, and QOL. It also highlights the potential for intervention provided via telepractice to offer an alternative to face-to-face services. |