Authors: Simacek J, Dimian AF, McComas JJ
Title: Communication intervention for young children with severe neurodevelopmental disabilities via telehealth
Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2017 47(3): 744-767
Year: 2017
Research Design: Single Case Design

Young children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Rett syndrome often experience severe communication impairments. This study examined the efficacy of parent-implemented communication assessment and intervention with remote coaching via telehealth on the acquisition of early communication skills of three young children with ASD (2) and Rett syndrome (1). Efficacy of the intervention was evaluated using single-case experimental designs. First, functional assessment was used to identify idiosyncratic/potentially communicative responses and contexts for each child. Next, parents implemented functional communication training (FCT). All of the children acquired the targeted communication responses. The findings support the efficacy of telehealth as a service delivery model to coach parents on intervention strategies for their children's early communication skills.

Access: Open Access